Hey, Cecil! I was so pleased to see my collage submission for "Poetry and Color" alongside this thought-provoking article! You made so many excellent points. Thanks for articulating a common concern for most of us.

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Hi Kerri! I need to send you an email to get info. I love that collage! it is really great.

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I was late to getting a cell phone but I quickly developed a social media addiction. I love looking at art and what my friends and favorite artists are creating. But I’d love to be more disciplined about it. Thanks for addressing the problem. It IS a problem.

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Thank you, Cecil...!!!! This post and the last one have resonated so strongly with me and are so very helpful that I am now a paid subscriber!!! I look forward to your articles, and wish you well.

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Thank you for your kind words and becoming a VIP subscriber! Keep the comments coming.

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Will do, Cecil....!!! Cheers.

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Guilty here of allowing the computer screen to suck my eyeballs and time away from the studio. Like sugar, it's an addiction and I'm weak on both. I allow distractions.....for example reading what you said about college......suddenly I was visualizing you writing "collage" instead and having to correct that to say 'college'.......OK but back to the subject...It's when I finally find nothing good on the screen and making myself not seek for more, is when I can get up and head to the studio "knowing" I'm done with the computer (for now). But it will try to beckon me like a Siren (not the alarm from a ambulance, but the cute ones from Greek mythology). Once I'm in the studio I'm good but outside it, my discipline to go in there is weak and stupid. But often my guilt will do its work and get me back to creating (I have a Jewish mother inside my brain that is very good at guilting me into doing what I need to do).

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I went to Catholic private school for ten years so I too know all about guilting and shaming. It is a social control technique to keep everybody in line. It took me till in my 20's to recover from that. I don't think I do it to myself since I talked me out of it and I only do it as a joke to my kids now and then. I think it is a funny cultural thing. I am sure it is still there lurking in the emotional shadows of the heart. And still a popular technique!

But yes, we are all pretty addicted to the screens! I went off to the studio an hour ago and finished up something and instead of starting the next thing here I am back at the computer again for a few minutes to do some organizational stuff. It is tough to disconnect from but for our own sanity and inner peace are important.

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