Justice Merchan is supposed to sentence D.J. Trump for crimes committed on September 18th. I hope this appointment with justice is kept.
I am hoping that the judge throws him in jail and lets him appeal from there. We all know he only announced his run for president in an attempt to avoid accountability. No self-respecting American would offer themselves to the America people as a presidential candidate with such a heavy load of baggage but Trump has utterly no respect for the American citizenry or America itself.
Malignant narcissist that he is, he thinks he can put his thumb up in the air to eclipse the moon and that everyone would believe he did it. He is like a 3-year-old. The judge should consider that Trump is a unique danger to the public.
It is not the judge's problem or ours that Trump decided to run for president while facing criminal charges and that the Rethuglican Party, in their inane stupidity, allowed him to become their candidate. They bring shame on America and all its citizens.
Having watched all of these criminal charges play out over the last couple of years, I doubt that there is anyone holding their breath that Trump will actually be sentenced before the election. All of these trials and attempts at accountability have been painfully slow and we would all love to see this terrible chapter in American history behind us so that we can all move on and get to the real issues that face our nation.
We are tired of it to the point of boredom and exhaustion.
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