Preparing for a Storm
The pen beside the poem,
the field of play,
sharpen your wits,
all is one and at the same time all is many
[their] names whispered upon the foreheads.
I write from that deep place
from out of the icy deeps
preparing for a storm
in wait for that moment of release.
Words written in gold leaf
sleek, slender, tender, slippered
to tell the story of the first two thousand years.
The usual in every kingdom
butchered, cooked, and salted
always in the unapproachable distance
entering into deep mythology
enough to get the gist
in indigo waters beyond their depth
crashing down to silence.
Faithful to its archetypes and traditions
like it’s the greatest thing they’ve achieved.
Listen for what might be escaping,
the drunkenness of the heart.
Understand the beauty and meaning.
The mystery of the unity of all Being.
Lines from various things at
see my Spotlight in this issue: