Here are a few more poems from Sell People Things They Don’t Need, a book of collage poetry I first published in 2007. The poems were mostly composed between 2000-2005. While I didn’t notate the sources of the material I can tell that it was collected from spam email (hence the title of the book), and general personal email and group emails from Fluxlist and a few other Yahoo art or poetry mail groups that I participated in at that time. Plus there is probably other materials drawn from articles online.
Reach Millions of People Everyday
Reach millions of people everyday
starting a new one,
Nothing to Learn. No wasted Time. No Hassles.
We apologize.
No way to tell for sure,
but Godzilla (gojira) is, linguistically speaking,
not a lizard, but half-gorilla, half-whale.
EVERYTHING you ever wanted to know about:
your friends, your family, your enemies
your employees, yourself - Is Someone Using Your Identity?
People you trust?
Discover little-known ways
I ask that everyone be patient.
Sometimes there are things beyond our control.
[Please] return in good spirits.
Just a Little Note
Just a little note to make sure that you're still there.
Using our vast network
(Easily buried with thousands of others)
It's a fact!
Please advise me where you found my e-address.
It's on the INTERNET!
It's in the NEWSPAPER!
It's on the RADIO!
Tired of waking up every morning?
Tired of waking up at all?
I'm always interested in your feedback
so drop me [a line]
In the latest of a series of cases,
people will forget what you said ....
people will forget what you did ....
What’ve You Got to Lose?
This Imposter loves you?
Exciting stuff, and scary.
What've you got to lose, its FREE!
Now's your chance,
These are all free
It was wonderful meeting you
If you're within range of the Big Apple, you're invited.
You'll have our sincere gratitude
from an isolated part of a South Pacific island
and just plain individuals seeking
just to let them know you're thinking of them.
we were afraid we'd lost you.
we'd like to encourage you
to a friend you haven't seen in a while.
You get the support and training you need:
a secular, materialistic consciousness.
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