Lisa Hochstein is a Santa Cruz, California-based artist who works in collage, painting and fiber arts. Hochstein has a BFA in painting from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
What is art?
Lisa Hochstein: As someone who creates objects, art making is a response I have to the world’s bumping up against my awareness. Making art feels very instinctual though I can’t completely explain why I feel drawn to this particular activity. It has always seemed a little strange to me—that awareness leads to a desire to make something. When I am in my studio, my frame of mind is one of openness and curiosity and a certain amount of discontent or unease. Each piece grows from a combination of feelings, ideas, memories, associations and formal considerations, plus elements of chance and luck that I always hope to be awake to. I regain some kind of equilibrium through my work, but it’s not just about that. I also want to be surprised by what I’m doing.
see the whole interview here
I started the idea of the Ontological Museum in the late 1990’s and have produced many projects and exhibitions since that time. The collection was built based on Mail Art community standards. The archives contains many thousands of works contributed by artists from all over the world mostly focused on collage art.
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