Die Leere Mitte (The Empty Center) #21
A magazine of Experimental and conceptual writing, theoretical papers, asemic and concrete texts, vispo, theorems, axiom collection, quantum weirdness, reviews of books addressing these topics and the like.
In this issue: Bob Lucky, Réka Nyitrai, Patrick Sweeney, Rich Murphy, Lake Angela, Mark Young, Mark Webster, Steven J. Fowler, Cecil Touchon, Michael Betancourt, Marcus Miller, Joshua Sabatini, Matthew Bala, Lina Bytewood, Jonathan Vidgop, Mykyta Ryzhykh, Cecelia Chapman.
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Edited in Berlin by Horst Berger and Federico Federici.
The word asemic /eɪˈsiːmɪk/ means having no specific semantic content. It is a term given by two visual poets Tim Gaze and Jim Leftwich in the 1990s as a need to address the sudden emergence of hundreds of artists that began to produce asemic writing, self-publishing, and influencing each other through the internet.
Federico Federici is a fellow cohort in the Asemic Writing community who makes some stunning work and has been publishing this little magazine for some time. My work has been published in several issues and was highlighted as a whole issue in 2020 in #7.5 with Tim Gaze:
In this special issue: "Prosaetere" by Cecil Touchon; "Asemic: asemantic but not asemiotic" by Tim Gaze.
download | print edition: amazon.com | .de | .it | .uk
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