In the land of words
the landscape crumples and unfolds.
Myths and legendsÂ
sequestered in smudges of gray,
their genesis in earlier generations.
Rain slashed across the land.
Sounds which now echo
Across the rumble
The experience of standing firm,
the shedding of habit and routine,
to start again in a different place,
into a new situation
carving out a niche,
willing to be surprised.
Meandering, not yet rooted,
the moments dissipate.
Some broadening or narrowing,
some squeezing or expanding,
with space and openness, with solitude.
All birds need a place to roost.Â
The house and the people waiting there.
The shape that will fit
the boundaries of our desires,
of call and response.
In the creative world
the narrative of dreams.
Like castles in the sky.
from snippets of Finding a Place to Be by Helen Conway