Had a Drink in a Pub in Brighton
10/18/00 3:07 PM
Had a drink in a pub in Brighton on Friday.
It is a little unnerving to go up and up and up.
I've never really done assemblages.
I don't know that we really have all that many chances where I am.
The portable, humorous, elegant, repeatable, iconoclastic, anti-sublime,
I've been wandering for the last hour or so.
We figure it will take us about five months working full time.
But the question to you is; "Do you want them?"
TA (is that a word?)
A text is a text is a text.
More rhetoric. Any more for any more?
The viewer must respond intuitively.
I've been sanding away at a dozen things,
each piece hidden in a different place.
Also, running out of toilet paper at 3am.
You know... this isn't working.