Here is a collage poem and a collage from 2006 where the title was used as a search term and then material was selected from resulting search returns.
Allude Propitious Kindle
I will kindle a fire in the wall.
A portion of bread set on the holy table.
Seven lamps encompass the Divine.
Listen to my advice.
There is none whom I fear and the earth trembled.
My dreams will soon
Take courage and sit at the bow.
By actions and words
Our fates are decided.
Necessity is laid upon you.
Stop to listen to the notes of inspiration.
And now you must follow my directions strictly.
Take two lemon-peels, in the morning, and wear them all day under the arm-pits
to counteract the influence of witches and demons.
The past is, at best, but very dimly seen
and accompanied by the debasement of literary taste.
This opened an inlet for numerous errors more minute.
The general abandonment of poetry.
It should not be forgotten.
A spectator, who knew nothing
Give no evidence of indifference
burning fire does not kindle moist wood.
A mind, always conversant with divine things,
what kind of man are you to be ignorant of love?
snippets from The Monthly Repository and Library of Entertaining Knowledge Vol. 1 - 1830-31
Here is a new version following the same process this month…
Allude Propitious Kindle (2)
There was something odd at work:
I will try to explain.
simply a few remarks
the truer the facts the better the fiction.
lost in thought.
I pondered it,
the limitations, the prejudices, the idiosyncrasies
like bees at the mouth of a hive
where the treasure is kept.
The mist stealing over them,
the words seemed not so simple.
Lies will flow from my lips,
in perpetual lamentation,
one cannot hope to tell the truth,
Something seemed lacking,
the murmur or current behind it.
A scrap of poetry works in the mind,
a sort of humming noise, not articulate, but musical,
a feeling that is torn out of us at the moment.
Snippets drawn from VIRGINIA WOOLF, A ROOM OF ONE’S OWN, 1924