Saturday - January 29, 2011
A Precious Diamond
It will end by their living as through my wanderings.
And the people's faith [will endure] and indifference [fade].
But God will come from the market-place,
as a festival for his humility,
and [yet] not be understood among us.
If we were a precious diamond,
that serene goodness,
will shine forth like a dream.
A touching incident befell me.
I've seen it myself,
and [I have] already proclaimed that [this] serene goodness,
will respond joyfully.
And they, the people, following science,
the leaders of the spiritual people,
of the most part corrupted already,
by being ashamed [of] the upper classes,
[and] of the poor,
and even of man [as a whole],
I've seen it is how they act.
This will end by being ashamed of seeing and bearing.
It will end in the market-place,
end by being ashamed [of] our future.
But God will not [be] revengeful
[or] base justice on reason alone.
Give way before him
[Who] responds joyfully [to] the whole world.
collage material gathered from older texts.