I just want to mention a few of things.
First, I have migrated the email list from the longstanding NING site collagesociety.ning.com for the The International Society of Assemblage and Collage Artists. This will be their first email to see what a Touchonian post looks like in their email account.
Welcome to those new subscribers!
Second, I have made some new improvements to the front page of the Touchonian inspired by Subtle Maneuvers new design.
I messaged Mason Curry for a little help on how to do what he did. Check his page out at…
Third, since it is election season I have reactivated General John Quincy Public (General Public for short) which, as I mentioned in a previous post, is the place where I will be posting anything I have to say about politics which will mostly be an exploration of what it is or could be, to be an American. What is an American citizen? What does it take to be one? Thoughts on living up to the ideal of being an American as a way of life.
I don’t plan on having politics as a main part of this site. Not part of my mission statement. But politics does effect the arts community. These will probably not be posted as emails but just uploaded to that particular newsletter. I think there is a way to subscribe to it if you want those posts as email. You will see a link to that newsletter in the right column of ‘Recent Posts’. Click on it there.
The posts just uploaded are from before the 2022 election but I will be adding new ones starting now and into the future. It is mainly my own exploration of Americanism as an artist and citizen through the persona of General Public.
Four: OH Yeah, I almost forgot. I am heading back down to Texas for my lecture at Ferrari Gallery that will be this Thursday the 15th at 6:00pm. I will be in discussion with Cheryl Mitchell Associate Art History Professor in Practice and Collections Specialist at UTArlington, my alma mater. We will be discussing the exhibition, the archives and the associated network of artists in the show and the collection.
For Tickets: Summer Art Lecture | Artist Cecil Touchon & Art Historian Cheryl Mitchell
If you are in the area or can fly in I hope to see you there.